What is an abbot at a Benedictine Monastery?

A key aspect of Benedictine monastic life is the leadership of an abbot. Every monastery has one, and their role is foundational in the order. An abbot sets the tone for the entire monastic community, from monks’ prayer to communal unity. In short, he ensures that the Rule of St. Benedict is lived out.

In Chapter 2 of the Rule, St. Benedict states that the abbot “holds the place of Christ in the monastery.” This does not mean that an abbot seeks to be honored like Christ.  Rather, the abbot is a teacher—both by word and by example. In addition, St. Benedict describes the abbot as a disciplinarian helping the monks to live an authentic monastic communal life. St. Benedict also reminds the abbot of the heavy responsibility of his position: because more has been entrusted to the abbot, more is asked of him.

Chapter 3 describes the relationship between the community members and the abbot in decision making.  The community members are to offer their thoughts respectfully and thoughtfully.  Even the youngest member has a say. Meanwhile, the abbot is to listen and discern based on the community’s input. The abbot is to take the matter to prayer and after which he makes his decision.

Finally, in chapter 64, St. Benedict reiterates the abbot’s responsibilities, underscoring moderation in his approach. The abbot must remember that in a monastery, “the strong have something to yearn for and the weak nothing to run from.” 

Learn more about The Rule of St. Benedict here.

At St. Bede, our monastery in Illinois, Abbot Michael Calhoun oversees our daily monastic life. As you learn more about how to become a monk, here’s how your relationship with your abbot may take shape.


The abbot as a spiritual leader: monks’ prayer and beyond

First and foremost, the abbot is the spiritual leader, holding the place Christ within the monastery and serving as a shepherd to the monks. His decisions must always prioritize the spiritual welfare of the community.

That includes guiding monks in prayer and worship. For example, monks’ prayer like the Liturgy of the Hours falls under the responsibility of the abbot. As a spiritual leader, the abbot guides by both example and instruction, embodying piety and discipline.

It’s also helpful to view the abbot as a teacher. Through sermons, reflections, and private counseling, the abbot offers spiritual direction to the monks. This is all rooted in the Rule and its application to daily life.  Similarly, the abbot is a model for spiritual life and encourages growth in other monks.

The administrative duties of an abbot

On top of spiritual leadership, the abbot also plays an essential administrative role within the monastery. He oversees daily operations, managing the monastery’s schedule, including work, study, and leisure. Additionally, the abbot is responsible for the monastery’s finances, from budgeting to charitable activities. Any revenue from monastery operations—like farming or selling crafts—also falls under his supervision.

In dealing with the broader Church, local community, and civil authorities, the abbot acts as a representative of the monastery. And any guests or pilgrims who visit are welcomed by the abbot.

As needed, the abbot will delegate tasks to other monks.


Leading a community like St. Bede’s

Community is an essential part of monastic life, both among monks and the people they encounter.

Learn more about life in our monastery in Illinois here.

An abbot will counsel monks, supporting them individually in their spiritual, emotional, and vocational needs. If any disciplinary issues arise, he will aid them with fairness and compassion. By maintaining unity and addressing conflicts, the abbot helps to foster a spirit of brotherhood within the monastery.

The question “how do I become a monk” is one that young men continue to ask even after taking their vows. As new members join a monastery like St. Bede, the abbot will oversee their formation and guide them in understanding monastic life.

Learn more about how to become a monk here.

How does Benedictine monk become an abbot?

The abbot is an elected role. The length of the abbot’s term varies from monastic order to monastic order. At St. Bede, an abbot serves until he is 75 years old, assuming he is elected before his 75th birthday. 

If the abbot was elected near or after the age of 75 years old, then the abbot will have an 8-year term. In all those circumstances, an abbot can run for re-election if he so desires to do so.  

Broadly, any monk who has taken their solemn vows and is of sufficient age is eligible. Additional criteria may be given at a monastery’s discretion. All the monks in a monastery are invited to vote for the abbot. An external official—like another abbot—will oversee the election to ensure fairness.

Prior to voting, time is dedicated for monks’ prayer and reflection. Monks vote by secret ballot and an abbot must earn more than 50% of the vote. If there is no clear winner, additional rounds are conducted until an abbot is chosen. And in the exceptionally rare case that they cannot reach a majority, a compromise or mediation may be reached.


Beginning monastic life under an abbot at our monastery in Illinois

If you want to learn more about what it’s like at St. Bede—and how our abbot takes on the role of servant-leader, please do reach out to us and fill out our contact form, linked here.


What is an oblate in a Benedictine monastery?


Who was St. Bede? Meet the namesake of our monastery in Illinois.